Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Scottish Secession and American Self-Government

Via Kearney

Abbeville Logo

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Scotland voted “No” to independence. The media will have you believe this was a crushing victory. After all, only 45 percent of the Scottish people voted for secession. We should flip that on its head.

45 percent of the nearly 90 percent of eligible voters voted FOR self-determination. The “No” vote barely won, and the aftermath is going to be dramatic. Several European secession movements have used the publicity of the Scottish referendum to push their own cause. Among these are the Flemish in Belgium, Catalonia in Spain, the Veneto and Lombardy in Italy, Bavaria in Germany, and many more.

The time of the large “indivisible” unitary state is over. A new demand for self-government has emerged either in the form of political independence or for “quasi-independence” in the form of greater state or provincial autonomy. Quebec failed to secede in 1995 in a close vote of 51-49. As a consequence, they received sufficient autonomy that, for the moment, there is little interest in secession.


  1. I have a friend I have known since the '70s. A reporter who's family lives in Scotland. He believes firmly that the British Crown ordered the vote rigged. He told me that the vote was rigged for the same reason that the vote was rigged in Canada in 1995--M-O-N-E-Y . Just as Quebec is Canada's richest province, Scotland brings in 35% of all Crown revenue in the form of north sea oil and Scots make up 25% of the British military. Their nation makes up almost half of the Island of Great Britton and if they managed to succeed Wales would be out the door behind them the next morning. If Scotland broke away it would reduce the Crown to the status of nothing much more than a curiosity smaller than the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Yes the "Great powers" are nearing there end; I hope they allow civilization to survive it.

  2. I believe whole heartily Scotland's vote was rigged also. Reports of "Yes"
    votes being placed in the "No" piles. There were videos of this being done.
    I was looking forward to seeing the Queen vacate Scotland and the land given
    back to the people. Tis sad indeed.

    1. I was looking forward to seeing the Queen vacate Scotland and the land given
      back to the people.

