Wednesday, September 24, 2014

3 Mistakes Hannah Graham Made & Culprit Arrested!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_970/splash-uva-0923.jpg

Hannah Graham is straight-A, a second year University of Virginia student who has been missing since September 13th,2014.

Typically, at this stage of the game it isn’t looking good for Hannah. Her parents, as you can imagine, are beyond crushed.

As of yesterday, the police have issued a search warrant for Jesse Matthew, who cops think was the last person to see Hannah Graham before she vanished.

Last weekend Mr. & Mrs. Graham held a press conference thanking law enforcement and volunteers for their search efforts and letting folks know that this is a ‘parents worse nightmare’ and that ‘it could happen’ to others as well.

More @ Townhall



  1. This is an excellent article and some very sound advice. Most of the comments are "dead on" too.

  2. Straight A female students can be dumb as a box of rocks, too - out late all alone, drunk as a skunk with a lot of skin showing... yes, I know, she is supposed to do anything she wants whenever and wherever she wants to do it, completely naked if she so chooses, and NOTHING bad should happen.... and Barry and Joe won't rest until that is how America treats its womenfolk.

    1. Barry and Joe won't rest until that is how America treats its womenfolk.

      Yup and another mind boggling one.

  3. Saw a post on another blog some months ago with a discussion about teaching your daughters the same things mentioned in that article you have linked. More than a few middle aged Women admitted that they and their college support mechanism blew such teachings off as.... wait for it...

    The White Patriarchy trying to control them.

    I am sure many young women would see through the brain washing but reading those comments made a big light bulb go off in my brain let me tell you.

    1. The White Patriarchy trying to control them.


  4. Thank feminism. Years ago when my daughter was still young, I would try to teach her these things. I would tell her to dress modestly, not slutty, to be aware of where and who she was around. But my hateful ex wife would always tell her not to listen to me. When I had concerns about a boy she was seeing, the ex instead of backing me up would tell my daughter not to listen to me. She actually made this comment to my daughter, " he thinks all teen age boys are that way because that's probably how he treated girls when he was that age." She would encourage my daughter to wear slutty clothes and would tell her that her father was just trying to keep her down. The typical liberal feminist bullshit. I would try to protect my daughter from growing up too fast and to teach her that she had to be careful, no matter how nice the guy seemed. When she was 16 my ex let my daughter go on a weekend trip out of town alone without my knowledge with a guy. She ended up losing her virginity that weekend and got knocked up. The guy after wards did not want anything to do with her. To this day I am estranged from my daughter because my ex poisoned her against me when all I tried to do was protect her.
    I feel bad for the parents of this girl. I pray they find her alive. But liberalism is destroying our country and feminism is destroying our women.

    1. Horrid and repulsive. Now I know why some husbands kill their wives.

    2. That said, that gives no one the right to to anything to this girl. We all need to be aware of our surroundings. The feminazi's like to take comments like this and say we are blaming the victim, when in fact I am not, but we all have to take personal responsibility for our actions. I am a grown man, but if I am out late at night in a shady area I do not know well, I know that bad things can happen to me as well.

    3. I know that bad things can happen to me as well.

      Anytime, anywhere.

    4. Thank you for trying to protect your daughter - it is shocking that her mother would do what she did just to get at you, but I know of other examples where this is so. Absolutely horrible. I pray that some day you can reconcile with your daughter.

    5. Thank you and I assume I shouldn't mention what I believe his wife's punishment should be.......

  5. Anyone who does that to their child has committed one of the worst forms of child abuse - they have murdered their child's soul when they lie about the other parent like that- I agree with what you said earlier that you can understand why some husbands kill their wives.

    1. you can understand why some husbands kill their wives.

      Fortunately, we were brought up in a different time/place. I feel sad for the future of our children, though I fervently pray, they will persevere.

  6. I am praying for a huge backlash to all of this horrible behavior - Young people are not robots any more than we were way back when. We questioned everything, but we let the commie/lazy bums prevail. I do believe the young will persevere and succeed in a way we cannot imagine right now. We all just have to not act like beaten dogs in this Culture War.

    1. We all just have to not act like beaten dogs in this Culture War.

      We're really trying to let them win, it seems.
