Saturday, August 16, 2014



  1. The people who founded this country were geniuses. Any one who can't see that needs to visit a public school. Then go and visit Franklin's house and look at his inventions.

    This video brought me to tears when he started talking about the mighty fleets coming and going. Then realizing that children are being cheated out of such an astonishing life and breadth of knowledge that would open doors so meaningful that they'll never even know they existed.

    Meanwhile parents who home school (past, present and future) will be demonized and laughed at as mad isolationists. Yes, that'll stop those pesky home schoolers. Tell them they are alone when there are millions of people home schooling all around them. Take heart self-educators. You are the real hope for tomorrow and you're not alone. The struggle for stupidity won't captivate you. You'll glide above it like the mighty ships sailing on the glass, trouble-free waters.

    1. Thanks and homeschool in NC has grown 27% in three years. I imagine Common Core will only increase the numbers and I hope everywhere.
