Friday, August 8, 2014

The ‘Nuremberg Defense’ now works for our cops

Via Nancy

Scott Olsen suffering from a fractured skull after being attacked by Oakland police.  (Source: AP/Jay Finneburgh)

An officer who violently attacked a group of civilians — including an incapacitated man bleeding from a head injury and the people who tried to help him — has been reinstated to the department with back pay for the nearly 3 years of missed work.

The incident dates back to October 25th, 2011. Citizens were protesting the perceived injustices in their government in what was called an Occupy Oakland rally, which involved day-and-night occupation of the public square. Oakland police initiated an unprovoked attack on peaceful bystanders when an unidentified OPD officer launched a metal tear gas canister directly into a man’s head, causing him to collapse into a pool of blood, and resulting in brain damage.

The incident didn’t end there. The man who had been injured was Iraq veteran Scott Olson; who received swift attention from non-uniformed bystanders. When people had gathered to aid Mr. Olson, another cop, OPD Officer Robert Roche, attacked the crowd by throwing a flashbang grenade only inches from Mr. Olson’s bleeding head. A violent explosion followed, injuring and scattering the first responders. The incident was previously detailed by Police State USA.


  1. Until perps like those cops are put down, we can expect this behavior to continue. Same as with the border criminals, and Muslim jihadists. And other poisonous snakes in general.

  2. This douche... oops, roche is lucky he lives in commiefornia.
