Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Gun Group Trolled by Skanky Topless Libtards

Via Frank


  1. why can they NEVER have women that are worth looking at? What is it about liberal women and butt ugliness going hand in hand?

    1. Funny as I mentioned something similar the other day. :)

  2. swing low (real low)
    sweeeeet chaaaaariot

  3. I have yet to figure out why liberals feel the need to engage in public stunts of nudity or toplessness. Or how that will some how add more merit to their agruement.
    As for the connection between liberal women and ugliness; could it that the outside is merely reflecting the ugliness of their soul? And that liberal women have no clue as to what it means to have class and how to be a Lady. A true Southern Belle would never consider going topless in public. Such vulgar things simply are not done. Period.

  4. Kinda the which came first argument-
    Are they vile and fugly and therefore full of hate/victimization and it draws them to the left or dies being left leaning give them physical traits that mirror the ugliness of their soul?

  5. Just toss 'em some singles like any other stripper.

  6. Cow....abunga! Udderly ridiculous.

  7. I wonder how many of these proglodytes would be willing to 'dress' like that at night while walking or 'protesting' in a less than savory neighborhood?
    And how quickly they would wish for someone with a gun to come and save them....

  8. Eeeeek. Does she have a sanitary permitt for all of that exposed human waste. Just shows how radical libtards are when they can get their way. Stomping feet and screaming.

    1. The only things missing are their sandbox and toys.
