Monday, June 2, 2014

Our Quartering Act

On 2 June 1774 the British government re-enacted the Quartering Act, which required American colonists to give British soldiers room & board in their houses. Today we no longer have such barbaric customs. Today if the Army of Occupation (law enforcement) wants your house, they just smash down your door and throw in a flash-bang grenade. Ain't progress wonderful?


  1. Soon some brave soul(s) is bound to exact revenge. It is a natural response.

  2. Just remember the cops (criminals on patrol) do see YOU as the enemy. Their mindset is one of, you are assumed to be guilty and they will prove it. They will win at all costs, therefore any thing they do is justified in their eyes. They want total power and control over you.

    1. Fortunately in my conservative parts of NC, I have had nothing but pleasant experiences with them.
