Friday, May 23, 2014

Blending In and Survivalist Hate


It is OK if you think that government is corrupt and incompetent, I think that too.

It is OK to have weapon in your home, and will and knowledge to use it, and it is very good if you think that TV is full of crap.

I think too that S. is gonna hit the fan, and that it makes sense to have bug out location and bug out bag, and lots of cans and ammo.

So we are clear that we agree that all of the above (and lots more) make perfect sense. But one thing does not make sense and that is to let everyone else know that you are thinking like this.


Because it makes you different from (great) majority of folks around you, and what should be one of the basic and first imperatives?

To blend in, to look and be like everyone around you!

Do not ruin your chances to be safe at home even before SHTF.

More @ SHTF School


  1. Good stuff. When the SHTF I am one of those who will be stuck in an urban area. I guess I should stock up on 2X4'S and other boards now. Any other suggestions for people like me that won't have a bunker to go to?

    1. Follow Brock's advice NOW or don't complain when the flag goes up.
      There are plenty of places to go outside the urban jungle.

  2. Brock, Please do yourself a favor by placing the book, "Savage Continent" by Keith Lowe at the top of your required must read list. I suspect that when the SHTF here in the FUSA, it will bear a close resemblance to Europe right after WW II. So very low profile is the order of the day, be the Mr Grey that nobody sees.

  3. The goal when the SHTF will be to become invisible. If this is a minor event like Katrina, things will go back to normal and you just need to survive a few weeks or months. However, if things really go bad there will be no recovery. If the grid is down for one year, they expect 90% of all Americans to have died from murder, starvation or disease.

    I hate to sound too doom and gloom but with 50% of Americans depending on a government handout when those checks stop. Well when those checks stop most will be desperate within 2 to 4 days. If this is nation wide, there will be no federal help.


    1. If this is nation wide, there will be no federal help.

      Agreed and you want to be no where near a big town.

    2. Those that have the means to keep their heads down and survive for about 90 days will have a great chance of making it unless they have immediate and life threatening health problems. It won't take long for the bad boys in the cities to kill each other off. After that It will be a true survival of the fittest situation.

    3. It won't take long for the bad boys in the cities to kill each other off.

      & I wish them God's speed.
