Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Things You’ll Proably Never Hear a Southern Boy Say

Via WiscoDave

& the winner is number one! :)

 30. When I retire, I’m movin’ north.

29. I’ll take Shakespeare for 1000, Alex.

28. Duct tape won’t fix that.

27. Come to think of it, I’ll have a Heineken

26. We don’t keep firearms in this house.

25. You can’t feed that to the dog.

24. No  kids in the back of the pickup, it’s just not safe.


  1. I love that list that make me laugh out loud - the comments on the website are a hoot, too - I will try to shake the "You Guys" when I get to PATCON and use the more natural "Y'all" ;)

  2. kind of blew that sentence - fortunately you know what I mean...

    1. :) I read all the comments after you mentioned them and they are indeed good!

  3. As a commentor on iOTW, we appreciate being reposted here. Occasionally we get trolls that try to muck up the conversation but, he failed to do that today because it was a humor post and fellow Southrons dived in with our own digs against ourselves. I'd like to think we have a better sense of humor that most others. There is a lot of fun to be had at iOTW. A lot to enjoy here at Brock's place, too!

    1. Thanks and I love the way we handle jokes directed towards us, we reply with more, because we have a sense of humor and don't care what others think. The rest lack a spine and why only Southerner's had enough gall to secede and take on the whole Yankee nation. :)

  4. Southern Men = Guts + Class + Humor (blame it on Common Core, but everything is a math story for me now ;)

    1. Don't forget the accent Sioux. I used to deal with a business in the deep South just so I could listen to them, lol
      Miss Violet

    2. I used to deal with a business in the deep South just so I could listen to them, lol

      The truth finally comes out. :)

  5. *Grin*
    I confess, while I was raised around the soft accents from MO, ARK, Okla, and Texas, those accents from the deeper South are addictive. ;-)
    Now ya know. ;-)
    Miss Violet

  6. Hey, Miss Violet - I know what you mean. When I was a younger woman back in ancient times, I worked for a new lawyer in Columbus, Mississippi - he was a real sweetheart, but did I ever have trouble transcribing his drawl into Yankee-speak. We went round and round about "bowled shrimp" - huh??? Oh, BOILED shrimp. I get it. )
