Friday, April 25, 2014

Just when you thought the Obama Administration’s foreign policy couldn’t get any more ridiculous,

State Department launches hashtag strike on Russia

the State Department sallies forth with a bracing challenge for Russia to respect the lame-o Twitter hashtag they touted last month:

She hopes the Kremlin will “live by the promise of hashtag?”  Was she drunk when she wrote this?  It’s not just social-media theater, either; Psaki mentioned it in a press conference, too, grumbling about the Russians: “I don’t think they’re living by their hashtag.”
More @ Townhall


  1. This is so terrible to say about another human being, but every time I go past this picture, I shiver in revulsion and the hairs on my arms and back of my neck prickle. Quite the opposite reaction from that lovely Patriot lady down by the River ;)

    1. :) Yes, the lady in the picture would think nothing of killing all who don't agree with her if she thought she could get away with it.
