Sunday, March 9, 2014

"Why do I have to work for RT to tell the truth about corporations and the U.S. government?"

After speaking out in opposition of Russia's invasion of Crimea, RT's Abby Martin spoke with CNN's Piers Morgan about corporate media and its kowtowing to advertisers.


  1. The point everyone is missing is that almost 100 years ago after the Bolshevik Revolution 15-20 million people in the Ukraine were slaughtered/put in gulags. The loyal ukranians to mother Russia are the good ukranians - ethnic Russians. The bad ukranians or "little Russians" are ethnically from the region - not transplanted from Russia. Looks like Europes Bread Basket is getting raped again.
    The American media is complicit with the Administration about covering this up.
    If you are a Christian you should know John 3:14.
    In the Democratic "Satanic Bible" it should read the following:
    "for Barack Obama and his minions hated the United States and what it has stood for- despots and radicals have free reign in slaughtering the innocents whether it is Jews or Christians. And in the deep seated hatred of the United States that has to be brought to third world status or worse. Barack Obama will not raise a hand against the perpetrators of hatred and slaughter of Jews, Christians and the United States. He is more than comfortable with the slaughter of his fellow countrymen for his alliances are against the greater good of this country and the ends justify the means."

    1. more than comfortable with the slaughter of his fellow countrymen for his alliances are against the greater good of this country and the ends justify the means."

      He would have been swinging in times pass.
