Monday, February 3, 2014

Tebow Blacklist Isn’t the Beginning, It’s the End


While everyone was paying attention to the demise of the U.S. economy, the U.S. workforce, the checks and balances written into the U.S. Constitution, a terrible tragedy has ensued almost unnoticed.

Yes, while the rest of were working to “save” the country from galloping Big Government, the most perfect game in the history of the universe has brought itself to the brink of extinction.
The downfall of the National Football League is imminent.

More with video @ Townhall


  1. I began with Super Bowl 1. I didn't watch this one. I quit because it's not football, it's politicized, and it's got Jerry Jones!

    1. Used to be a football nut, now the most I see is the last quarter of the Super Bowl, but didn't even do that yesterday.

  2. It is bread and circuses, where the masses are expected to cough up $2600 to watch a bunch of under-educated millionaires play with their balls.
