Friday, January 24, 2014

The Primal Bitch of Income Inequality

Via Daily Timewaster

Ever since he descended from the third heaven on a rainbow in 2008, Obama's procrustean answer for all that ails America has been an unflinching dose of Keynesian strychnine poisoning. And apparently, we have not suffered enough since he would now have us double down on an economic inhaler spiked with another stimulating dose of Zyklon B. Indeed, this president is in every way imaginable the ideological archetype of pulp-fiction's second-rate single-minded villain: a Post-Modern Judas who is driven to redouble his perfidious efforts, even as he has forgotten the scope of his ill-conceived aims. 

Possessing little save the clumsy but calculated weapons of class warfare in his Lilliputian bag of tricks, Obama's precarious vantage point atop the earth has earned him the demagogue's dark augury: the unique understanding that he can prevail only by turning man against brother -- even if such a contest sets the land aflame.

But even now, as the terracotta foundations of the vaunted House of Soetero are dissolving for all the world to witness, he proudly mounts that pale steed once more to champion the tattered banner of Income Inequality -- the Marxist Provocateur's surest gambit. After having so richly won the incandescent hatred of the waning productive echelons of America, and having purchased and secured the fealty of Wall Street tapeworms and Corporatist "Last Men" with taxes purloined from our nation's toilers, Obama will once more draw political refreshment from the poisoned well of envy. 

Having eschewed liberty for equality and desired the flask half empty over the full draught of economic vigor, the Progressive Prince, in the name of debauched compassion, will soon commence again the filling of Progressive rat holes with reams of worthless paper spun from our Federal presses -- all at our cooing grandchildren's expense. 

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