Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My mother and father dancing the day away


  1. Dancing was their, their airplane, their computers, their Internet, their cellphones, their gamebox, their drugs. It came with the radio, and never stopped. They were the dancing-est generation ever! I bet their doing that right now. In heaven!

  2. I bet their doing that right now. In heaven!

    Good post and I certainly hope so.

    1. From my sister Anne:

      Several years ago in a Pi Phi magazine they were interviewing a woman who had gone to college about the time I did & a new college graduate-both Pi Phis. They asked this question of both—What did you do in college for fun? My age said We danced. Then they said well what did you do at the frat houses for fun. The answer was –we danced. Then they asked the younger girl the first question & she said we helped plant new trees in Washington! I don’t think she ever came up with an answer to the next one—must not have gone to a frat house. Sad. All such good clean fun. Dancing was such a part of Billy’s & my lives together & he was a beautiful dancer. The women lined up to dance with him. I used to sing that song, You can dance with anyone you like as long as you go home with me ! I really cannot dance now. It makes me too sad. xo
