Saturday, November 23, 2013

Dear Liberal…Here’s Why I’m So Hostile

Via smokeeater


This essay is a bit of departure from my usually reasonable and logical approach to important issues.  That’s not to say that the essay isn’t well-reasoned and is bereft of logical argumentation, but I freely admit that it’s polemical, in nature.  Sometimes you’re just pissed, and you need to vent.  Here’s my vent…

Lately, I must admit that my hostility towards your political ilk has ramped up, pretty dramatically.  No, it’s not because we, at this point in my life, have a half-black president in the White House, and I’m some closet racist who is becoming increasingly frustrated at the prospects of the White Man’s power slipping through my fingers.  I know that you’ve accused our side of such nonsense, and the thought keeps you warm at night, but I can assure you that it is a comfortable fiction of which you should probably divest yourself.

Now before I waste too much of your time, let’s establish who I’m talking to.

If you believe that we live in an evil, imperialist nation from its founding, and you believe that it should be “fundamentally transformed”, lend me your ears.  

If you believe that the free market is the source of the vast majority of society’s ills and wish to have more government intervention into it, I’m talking to you.  

If you believe that health care is a basic human right and that government should provide it to everyone, you’re the guy I’m screaming at.  

If you think minorities cannot possibly survive in this inherently racist country without handouts and government mandated diversity quotas, you’re my guy.  

If you believe that rich people are that way because they’ve exploited their workers and acquired wealth on the backs of the poor, keep reading.  

Pretty much, if you trust government more than your fellow American, this post is for you.


  1. This is the best article I have read in a while. This guy is spot on and I can't see how even a liberal could argue with his comments and statements.. Thanks for posting this, I really enjoyed reading it and caught myself saying Amen as I read.

    Mike M.

  2. I'm angry, because I don't like being lied to. And no, using the excuse of, they all lie,is NOT a justification. Lying is still wrong regardless of how many do it. I'm pissed off at those who pass bills without ever having read them. I'm enraged at the double standard of one set of rules for you and another for every one else. I don't like you liberals at all, cause you are going to get me killed. I tried very hard to be reasonable with you, liberal, and it didn't work.

    1. As I've mentioned countless times, the solution for all of this is to once more make dueling legal and then this crap will stop in a heartbeat, mark my words.

    2. Excellent article, and excellent idea, but I don't think the libturds would ever agree to give up anything to win an argument. They just scream out racisssst and think they won..... Posted....... ;)
