Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tennessee high school students visit mosque, get Qur'an -- not visiting church or synagogue

Via Billy

The public school officials behind this reveal by their choices of visits that the real agenda here is to make these Tennessee students "accepting of the other," because that is the whole problem of jihad terrorism, doncha know -- if Americans were more accepting of Muslims and Islam, jihad terror would be a thing of the past. There are so many initiatives like this, such as the Arkansas school that planned to feature a Muslim speaker on September 11, that it is hard to escape the conclusion that they really believe this nonsense.
"Students Take Field Trip to Mosque, Receive Koran," by Todd Starnes for Fox News, September 17:
A Tennessee high school has decided to revise its field trip policy after a group of freshmen were taken to an Islamic mosque where they were given copies of the Koran and while a student who opted out of the trip was given a worksheet that alleged Muslims treated their conquered people better than the United States treated minorities. 
More @ Jihad Watch

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