Sunday, July 14, 2013

ZIMMERMAN TRIAL: How to Make it Easy for People to Say, ‘You’re an Innocent Child’ When in Reality…

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If you’re in your late teens and you get shot after assaulting a neighborhood-watch supervisor, and you want someone else to get blamed for your behavior, here are thirteen tips to make you look like an “innocent child” that loves Skittles, doing math and riding horses versus a gangbanger-in-waiting.

1. Don’t have pictures on social media, or on your cell phone, of your holding guns like a gangsta.  If you do take pictures with firearms, make certain the weapon is held properly, away from the camera, with your finger off the trigger and it does not give off the I’m-a-criminal-in-training vibe. Just a thought.

2.  Don’t have multiple pictures of your inhaling weed floating around on either social media or in your cell phone where the police can retrieve them and use them against you.  This, too, hampers the “innocent child” motif.

3.  Also, when you do flip off the camera, go with the one-hand F-you, rather than the double finger fongool. The double-finger F-you is too over the top.  One F-you should suffice as it’ll show that you are a gentleman that has restraint and are an innocent soul, almost … child like.

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