Friday, July 26, 2013

Stereotypes about the South



I disagree with the reason's Alex Walsh gives in his story, "The American dream can by yours, but not if you are born in the South." First of all, Mr. Walsh talks about inner-city kids having very little chance of becoming millionaires in their lifetime. Just one example for success out of many for inter-city kids is Birmingham's own A.G. Gaston.

He became a very successful millionaire as a black man during the worst part of segregation in Birmingham. He didn't have the help and aid of the federal government and all its social programs to give him opportunities to rise to the top of the economic and social ladder. He pulled himself up by his own bootstraps with only the help of the black community. Today inner-city kids have all those opportunities at their disposal. If they do not use them then whose fault is this?

The economic outlook for children raised in the country has to be even less as there are fewer places for employment, educational opportunities and good paying jobs in rural areas. They do not have nor, will they ever have, the advantages of Affirmative Action and other government programs to give them a leg up in the world. Where is the equal concern for their future?

Most people do not become rich in their lifetimes in spite of the fact they might have finished high school and college and have good jobs. This is just the reality of life more than it is anything else. Success is determined by many other variables besides how much money they have accumulated in their lifetime like, quality of life and their satisfaction over the things they have accomplished during their life.

The only thing I have seen in my lifetime that has disqualified Southerners from getting a better education and opportunities for good jobs are the stereotypes that we must be ignorant, slow and lazy because of our accents and the region we grew up in. This prejudice and bigotry towards Southerners still exists, unabated to this very day.

When I was in the military, I had people from up north who had never been to the South ask me some of the most ridiculous questions about the South like, do we have indoor plumbing or do we still use out-houses? Do people in the South wear shoes, do we have cars or still use wagons drawn by horses etc. They were more serious about those questions than they were trying to be funny.

At first, those questions made me mad, then I came to realize that they truly did not know anything factual about the South other than the stereotypes and ignorance they had been fed about the South all of their lives. Until the rest of society in America gets rid of that unfair and biased thought process towards the South, we will be discriminated against because of who they think we are instead of who we actually are.

Then one day, we might be judged by our talents and work ethic instead of by the biases towards our history, heritage and culture which make us who we are but, not until then.

Billy E. Price


  1. Mr. Price: I don't believe any question, seriously asked, is ridiculous. Goodness, I have asked Mr. Townsend tons of questions that I bet he rolled his eyes around. Many, many times I felt 'stupid' for asking, but he has never laughed at me nor at my ignorance of facts. He has ALWAYS provided a link to information and suggested reading material. Please realize that we, up North, are not bigots - just uninformed and trying desperately to find the truth.

    1. I don't believe any question, seriously asked, is ridiculous.

      I have always been taught the same.

  2. I liked the letter and reposted it. However I can agree that any question in seriousness is a honorable question, and I will try and answer it. As Brock said, I was taught the same.

    But I can easily see Mr. Price's assertion concerning the stereotyping. It does exist but it was orchestrated and contrived by the victors in Lincoln;s War in order that *real* Southerners never have a viable voice in Government again, especially at the Federal level, and this has worked for the victors.

    After the war all the nation's wealth and power went into the Northern States, especially at the expense of the Southern States. And unto this very day the liberals, the Yankees who won that war are still scared of the ole line Southerners ever regaining any power in government. This is why you see the Feds so intent on keeping an eye on ALL Southern Nationalist groups, or you can say Confederate based groups which includes anyone who believes in State's Rights or is Libertarian. It is also the reason why the Feds infiltrated the KKK and actually had leadership positions, directing the KKK. It is why we hear all the jokes about Southern rednecks and *dumb* Southerners. It is why you hear the toilet and shoes questions. It's not because the people knows any better, they don't know and have been fed these stereotyped caricatures until that is how they actually understand people. But it is all for a reason!

    Which I will admit that Southern education has drastically suffered after Lincoln's War. Before the war it was the opposite, being the Northern people who were less educated and at the center of stereotyped jokes, but then even Northerners told these jokes on themselves because conditions were actually that bad.

    Before the war the three most educated states int he usa were 1st-- SC, 2nd-- VA, and 3rd-- NC. During and after the war over 3000 schools and colleges were destroyed. After the war over 15,000 Northerners came down and took over the educational systems of the defeated states. That should be a decent start in understanding why the Southern educational system went to pot. (Similar happened to the churches and preachers.)

    I can only add, *my my* what a fine and honest country we live in! Not only have my people been denied their freedom and place in history and government, they have been tortured, raped and killed, their property taken, burned and destroyed. they have been conquered and we have become the butt of of all the asinine jokes, all in efforts to keep us under the power and control of the victors. And I am supposed to honor and love this government? In a pig's eye!

    Brock you can say your stupid Pledge all you want, but I'll never say it, except by duress! (You've got my dander up now....)

    Phyllis, over at the thread we were discussing the other night. I posted you some more info there... Here is the link again:!+Mail

    Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur

    1. A great comment that deserves a separate post until the end. Where in the world did you come up with this:?

      Brock you can say your stupid Pledge all you want, but I'll never say it, except by duress! (You've got my dander up now....)

      You obviously have me confused with someone else, I assume.

  3. I am voting for a new Southern Capital, My wife says Atlanta, I say Fredericksburg. What say you?

    1. Atlanta.

      Years ago there was a bumper sticker referring to Atlanta that stated:

      "Where is General Sherman now that we need him the most?" :)



      The town council is full of Yankees, so we'll have to look elsewhere I believe.:)
