Friday, July 26, 2013





 By Kirk D. Lyons

Libertarian Senator Rand Paul has done the inevitable: he has sacked his aide Jack Hunter, aka the Southern Avenger, after the liberal media (now there's an oxymoron)  began baying for Hunter's blood 2 weeks ago. Hunter's crime, for a crime it was, was that a few of his incisive you-tube essays as the masked "Southern Avenger" criticised Abraham Lincoln, praised John Wilkes Booth and acknowledged the justness of secession. Hounded for this blasphemy and his past membership in the Morris Dees condemned League of the South, the media jackals, with cries of "racist," "racist," "white supremacist," Hunters boss did the stupid-party-inevitable and sacked his aide. Of course Hunter had already back-pedalled for all he was worth, coming just short of winning the Senator Trent Lott public ritual political suicide award for bleating "I'm not a racist - please, please believe me." Hunter didn't use those actual words - but that was his message to the press, in a pathetic bid to keep his job - that and asking folks to help him erase his past internet posts.

The real bogey man in all of this is Rand Paul, who, assuming Hunter didn't do something really bad - like keeping a string of child mistresses or selling smack, should have stood by his aide and told the press to, as the British put it, "Bloody well bugger off."

By accepting Hunter's resignation, Paul tacitly accepted the media smear of his aide - which weakens Paul and strengthen his many enemies in the press, all while alienating himself from his core constituency. Paul may think he can sneak himself into GOP respectability - if he really thinks that he is already one of them or a complete idiot- there is not a 3rd choice.

The left has made it clear that people who hold traditional Southern views on history are "racist white supremacists" and not fit to be employees of public officials. Unless we affirm the path of the USSA Politburo we are not possessed of any rights our leaders are bound to respect - including having divergent views on an historical figure. If that is not 2nd class citizenship for people like us - I will mail you my "Little Red Book."

The traditional South continues to be marginalized by the left and with the support of so-called conservatives, pushed farther & farther to the fringe - while our own "leaders" betray us. The Confederate community desperately needs to organize, politically,  for its own interests -  conventional politicians will talk nice then betray Southern voters. How long will the traditional South put up with this oldest of shell games?


  1. It's so disappointing to watch Paul who built his political position on the back of Dixie, turn on the very people that got him where he is. I for one don't care what the political establishment thinks because they are all assholes. How many times have I heard the words "the south lost the war so shut the f**k up" just like that. What's more disappointing to me is the South continues to wallow in the pitiful sauce of the loss. The South needs to A. Find their real friends
    B. Consolidate their political position
    C. Extricate those who disagree
    D. Rebuild their Economic Engine
    E. Cut off economic ties with the dying North
    F. Rebuild the Dixie Brand!
    I know that sounds hard but if the South will ever get back to their former greatness, a deep incision must be placed between those who love her to those who would keep their Jackboot pressed firmly on her Jugular!
    The current economic position that the fascist Obama has put the North in makes them very vulnerable to economic isolation. The South needs to pull together and boycott anyone who would damage the name of Dixie.
    Believe me, if the people of the South quit buying Yankee product, reopened the clothing mills, continue to lure strong business interests to the South. No One in Dixie would ever be second class again.
    God would bless the South and would she would rise again to beyond her former glory.
    It takes guts, you need leaders, find them and boldly step into the path of freedom!

    1. if the people of the South quit buying Yankee product, reopened the clothing mills, continue to lure strong business interests to the South. No One in Dixie would ever be second class again.

      Well said.

  2. The problem with luring businesses to the South is that it brings the managers and workes, too. The Triangle is about as blue as Mass. We need more Southern business owners who hire Southrons.

    Consolidating a Southern political position, I advocate for third party, but its hard to seperate people from the mainstream because of the belief that a third party can't win because nobody will vote for one. Duh, the Democrats couldn't win if nobody voted for them! We do need a political front of some kind, any other ideas?

    Building the Dixie brand, I think, is a key. Not just in business, but everywhere. I have been pondering billboards, they could be a lot of fun!

    1. The problem with luring businesses to the South is that it brings the managers and workes, too. The Triangle is about as blue as Mass.



      I have been pondering billboards, they could be a lot of fun!


    2. you are targeting the exact position we need to take, Dixie for Dixie, Southern Business Owners, Southern Consumers. Face it, the North is evaporating before our eyes, we must act. I chance like this comes once in a generation. Time to pull Southern business leaders together and pitch the line. Why go down with the North?

    3. Time to pull Southern business leaders together and pitch the line.

      I agree, but where to start?
