Monday, July 15, 2013

Goodies from Ol' Remus with many on Zimmerman

1935. Murfreesboro Tennessee

He thought he’d be an active citizen, helping to keep his neighborhood safe. The poor sap thought he was living in the old, free America, where citizens looked out for each other, raised barns together, attended town meetings, and the rest. Whom did Zim think Neighborhood Watch has to watch out for? The poor guy’s living in the past.
John Derbyshire at

 If I am George and I am on the bottom, I shoot. All the choices he made to get himself on the bottom don't matter, it is live or die. Mom has to hang on to the story that this was an injustice. The other story, that her son was drifting into this culture—burglary and more—is too overwhleming.
MsCreant, comment 3751086 at 

 It's unfortunate that Trayvon Martin is dead but he is dead by his own hand.  Had he walked back into the apartment after he was "disrespected" by the "creepy-ass cracker", as Dee-Dee testified, he'd be alive. Had he assaulted Zimmerman by punching him, knocking Zimmerman to the ground and then walked off he would still be alive.  It was Martin's  sole decision to mount a fallen man who he just punched and who was grossly physically inferior in ability to him,  then continue pounding on him, demonstrating through his actions  that he intended to do great bodily harm or kill,  that led to his death.  
Karl Denninger at 

 The producers of this country, and an awful lot of young people who are the producers of tomorrow, saw what happened—including the willful and intentional distortion of the facts by both the media and the State—and they get it.
Karl Denninger at 

 Zimmerman committed a praiseworthy, pro-social act. I don't care who thinks otherwise; a violent, thuggish person of any race or creed taken permanently off the streets is a net gain to social peace. Florida's political elite, under pressure from the federal Department of (In)Justice, felt Zimmerman had to stand trial for something. Accordingly, the prosecution is desperate to convict him of something—anything at all. But the prosecution's case, despite the suppression of evidence favorable to the defense and a presiding judge whose pro-prosecution bias could hardly be more blatant, has folded like a cheap accordion.
Francis Porretto at


art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Grievance theater isn't about race, it's not about slavery, police brutality or separate lunch counters, it's about power and money. Black politicians are not fundamentally different from white ones. They have more in common with their white colleagues than they do with their own communities. The only difference is that they are playing with the race cards they have been dealt, says Daniel Greenfield in this article, Looking for Racism in America, at Sultan Knish.

 art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg I'm tired of hearing how we should honor our veterans because they're defending our freedoms. They're not. It's not al-Qaeda that's creating "free speech" zones in this country or removing people wearing political T-shirts from parade routes the President might take. It's not the Taliban that's going after the records of reporters at AP. The North Koreans aren't behind the IRS's targeting of conservative political groups, says John Silveira in this article, The false argument about defending our freedom, at Backwoods Home Magazine.

art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg If it ain't broke, don't fix it. At least that's the motto of the military forces keeping these machines running, says Mate Petrany in this photo-article, The Ten Oldest Military Vehicles Still In Service, at Jalopnik.

If the citizenry cannot dislodge a parasitic, predatory financial/political Aristocracy via elections, then "democracy" is merely a public-relations facade, a simulacra designed to create the illusion that the citizenry "have a voice" when in fact they are debt-serfs in a neofeudal State.
Charles Smith at

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