Friday, July 19, 2013

11 Southern Pictures 1861 - 1953

Born A Rebel:  Young soldier in Confederate shell jacket and forage cap with single shot pistol.

 More @ NamSouth

11 Southern Pictures 1861 - 1953


  1. All of 16 years old and ready to die for family and freedom.
    That is whats wrong with us today.
    My theory of eugenics;
    In each war we send our bravest most honorable men off to die in large numbers and each succeeding generation has fewer in the gene pool to repopulate the the next generation, until after 200 years what do you have? America of 2013 with a few of those aforementioned honorable individuals still serving their country in heroic ways while the rest are just parasites and slugs feeding at the public trough. How many true warriors have we lost in this current war ? The one no one in government or the media will name ? How many do we have left who will sacrifice every thing they hold dear, even their life, for a nebulous cause no one believes in anymore? Im with Ron Paul on this, lets bring what we have left home and fix the problems we have here first before we waste another American warrior for nothing. They are getting fewer and fewer.
    Rant Off.

    1. Ron Paul, all the way Sir!6

      He was just 16?, proud and brave
      But a Yankee laid him in his grave

  2. Damn right.
    Miss Violet

  3. Always love your pictures. They forever make me wonder what the people were like that lived there. I liked the comments people left on each picture, too. Oh, and thanks for including "1396"

    1. 1396

      Just beautiful and it's hard to beat the old B&W large pictures.
