Monday, June 10, 2013

300 Muslims detained in Russia ahead of Winter Olympics

300 Muslims detained in Russia

& our worthless President........

he Washington Times reported on June 9, 2013, that 300 Muslims were detained by Russian authorities on Friday at a Muslim prayer room in Moscow. Of those detained, 170 included foreigners. Fox News had reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a crackdown on radical Islamists in view of next year's Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Police said that the Muslims were held at a prayer room in Moscow and extremist literature was confiscated. Watch video.

This is the third time this year of rounding up radical Muslims, targeting Muslim places of worship has been ordered.

More @ Examiner


  1. Europe and America could learn a lot from the Russians's on how to handle extremist muslims. I would start with the one who calls himself Barack.

  2. Well hell, now I've seen everything...a good use for Russians....not that I think much higher of them than I do the moslems....
    Miss Violet
