Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Reid calls Sen. Cruz a ‘schoolyard bully’


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) bickered Monday as Cruz rose to object to Reid’s motion to appoint conferees to a House-Senate budget committee.

Cruz said he was concerned that the conference report — which cannot be filibustered — would be used to raise the nation’s debt ceiling. He asked that Reid amend his motion to go to conference to make out of order any provisions raising taxes or raising the debt ceiling.

Reid said Cruz had a chance to amend the Senate budge, which raises $975 billion in new tax revenue from tax reform, when it was considered on the floor.

He said Cruz’s request to eliminate all taxes in a final House-Senate budget was absurd.

“The senator from Texas was on the losing side ... now he wants us to adopt the losing side’s view or we cannot go to conference,” Reid said.

“My friend from Texas is like a schoolyard bully,” Reid added.
"He pushes everybody around and is losing and instead of playing the game according to the rules, he not only takes the ball home with him, but he changes the rules — that way no one wins except the bully who tries to indicate to people that he has won."

Cruz, a Tea Party darling whose rhetoric has sometimes raised eyebrows among Republicans, shot back that “I wasn’t aware we are in the schoolyard.”

More @ The Hill


  1. At least Cruz has the balls you've always wanted Dingy Harry. And, I hate to be the bearer of bad news Harry, but Texas is and never will be on "the losing side". And Cruz is right, this ain't schoolyard business, it's Legislative Business. Yeah Harry, your side has never pushed anybody around right? Give me a break... Long live the Republic of Texas.

  2. "He pushes everybody around and is losing and instead of playing the game according to the rules, he not only takes the ball home with him, but he changes the rules"
    Who the hell is Harry Reid? Oh that's right, the marxist puke who cries foul when someone uses the lefts play book against them! I really love that part of the Reid's statement "instead of PLAYING THE GAME according to the RULES".... So it's a game is it?? And if that's true Harry is ALWAYS changing the rules to suit him and his fellow pukes.....
    With all that said, I still don't believe that any elected official, or any one man or woman can right this sinking ship from the ballot box... we've taken on far to much water, and the life boats suffer from an apathetic neglect.
    I imaging that what we're all up to... building with our "tribes", not necessarily bigger, but better lifeboats.

    1. Liberal is synonymous with hypocrisy, that's for sure.
