Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Flashbang Bra Holster (This is a buy)

Via Knuckledraggin' My Life Away

Kindness of Dixie @ Gun Goddess


  1. Very nice.... good to see the ladies practicing the presentation and firing drills. Practice makes for NOT being a victim!

  2. Indeed and I'm buying one for Dixie, but have to figure out what weapon is the best. I was surprised that they make them for some .45's and .357's.

    1. Dad,

      You won't believe this but I was just talking to Paul about this! I asked hm if I got arrested for carrying a concealed weapon if he would visit me in jail. :( There was a bad stabbing in Texas so of course they should ban knives since the knives are what killed the people, certainty not the idiot with the knife! This bra holster is perfect as I don't have my purse all the time, but unless I'm sleeping have my bra on! :)

