Friday, March 15, 2013

The Miraculous Recovery Of Gabrielle Giffords

For those who do not yet understand the utter ruthlessness of Team Evil, consider the following.

Here is former Congresswoman Giffords on January 30, 2013:

More @ WRSA


  1. Poster Girl for the "We are here to protect your rights by taking your guns" Party.

  2. When I read her explanation, I said hmmm, she sure recovered fast, simple bullshit, she couldn't put two sentences together a few months ago, plus I heard he put her in a home part time. Its so sad to use a tragedy, to push an unwinable cause...........jerks........

  3. MICHAEL DEAN MILLERMarch 17, 2013 at 2:44 PM


    She and her husband are fair game now. She put herself out there, by her own free will. No one put a gun to her head.


    1. Although no one put a gun to the lady's head it is apparent her beloved husband has easily manipulated her. Imagine having to depend on one's spouse to make decisions for you, that you can no longer make yourself. She loves and trusts her husband. Sadly, based on her mental state her beloved has compromised her love and trust.

      I believe Ms. Giffords is a victim. Not only by a murdering criminal but by a man, her husband, whose marriage vows to love, support and defend her appear to have been flushed down the crapper.

      No....Ms. Gifford's own free will is questionable. She is not of sound mind.

  4. MICHAEL DEAN MILLERMarch 18, 2013 at 11:19 PM

    Dan III,
    Manipulative husband? Maybe. Apparent? No.
    Ya got good points though.

    1. He'd sure have that AR if he wasn't busted though.:)
