Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Keep America Independent: Stop Trade Promotion Authority

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On March 1 the Obama administration released a 2013 trade policy agenda that calls on Congress to authorize "Trade Promotion Authority" (TPA). This TPA, also known as "fast-track trade authority" provides for expedited congressional handling of trade pacts, and is generally considered necessary for Congress to pass a new trade deal.

Under fast-track rules, a trade pact must have an up-or-down vote in both House and Senate, without amendment, within 90 days of being submitted by the Executive Branch. Congress has never rejected a trade agreement that was submitted under fast-track rules.

A major objection to authorizing TPA for the Obama administration is that Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution gives the power "to regulate commerce with foreign nations" to Congress, not the President. Awarding TPA to the Executive Branch cedes a great deal of power to regulate commerce to the President. Furthermore, the multilateral trade agreements, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), that result from presidential exercise of TPA, set up new multilateral panels and tribunals that regulate U.S. trade. These multilateral entities are deemed superior to the U.S. Congress and courts regarding regulation of trade within their respective trade blocs, which amounts to a clear violation of the U.S. Constitution.

President Obama is asking for TPA at this time to help his administration get congressional approval of a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade pact by December 31 this year. He has also announced the launching of negotiations for a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) free trade deal, which he hopes to conclude by 2015.

A second major objection to authorizing TPA for the Obama administration is that it would facilitate the administration's negotiations and congressional approval of free trade agreements, such as the TPP and TTIP. Such free trade deals help to bring about economic integration which then generally leads to political integration and ultimate loss of sovereignty for the nations who originally entered into these free trade agreements.

For example, many European nations established a European-wide free trade area by means of a  series of free trade agreements beginning in the 1950s. This economic integration has evolved into political integration whereby 27 formerly sovereign European nations now find themselves ruled by a new supranational entity, the European Union.

Similarly, the continent-wide free trade area established by the NAFTA agreement in 1993 has evolved toward a North American Union, following the earlier trajectory of the European nations from free trade area to political union.

Political union with Mexico, Canada, and eventually the Pacific Rim nations of the TPP and the 27 nations of the EU would mean the end of our national independence along with the loss of the United States Constitution and the freedom and prosperity that we have enjoyed while living under its protection.

As most of you already know, it's getting late in the game to stop all of this merger madness. It's even an article of faith for many senators and representatives, especially Republicans, that free trade agreements will lead to more jobs and greater prosperity for our nation, even though our experience with NAFTA proves otherwise. And, virtually no one in Congress seems to understand how free trade agreements lead to political integration.

Nonetheless, we have to start somewhere to turn this whole movement toward regional trade agreements and eventual world government around. A good place to take a stand is to oppose Trade Promotion Authority. Although no bill has been introduced in Congress yet to authorize TPA, such legislation is likely to be introduced in the next month or so.

Click here to send a prewritten, editable email to your representative and senators in opposition to authorizing Trade Promotion Authority for the Obama administration.

Phone calls can also be very effective, and of course, the most effective way to educate your congressmen and staff is by making personal visits to their offices. Click here for contact information.


Your Friends at The John Birch Society

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