Tuesday, March 19, 2013

‘Erin Go Bragh’ – Ireland Forever

Via Horace 

 *CSA General Patrick Cleburne leading the charge at Franklin, Tenn. – painting detail by Don Troiani

* He had two horses killed from under him, then charged on foot to his death. 
 "Well, Govan, if we must die, let us die like men."
Gen. Patrick R. Cleburne


Saint Patrick’s Day has long been a big Confederate event in honor of all the Irish who fought for the South.

Although Irish fought on both sides, those for the South saw the issue of Yankee commercial dominance, their wanting to establish a permanent under class by force of arms.
The South was, post Civil War, treated like an internal colony to the detriment of black and white alike, where those on the bottom of the ladder were pitted against each other.

The high export duties imposed before before the war, 46%, were not only continued afterward but never fully removed until WWII, a little nasty item of American history which we don’t teach our children in the government schools.

Many of the established Irish who fought for the North bought into the propaganda of saving the Union. But many Irish were brought in as part of the huge European mercenary recruiting program.

The high bounties of $1000 to $1500 were a fortune at the time. Roughly 350,000 immigrants passed into the Yankee army, similar to the number of Confederate soldiers killed during the whole war.
The main hustle used to get them into the army was to grab them off the immigrant boats and sign them up for an immediate job with cash in hand on the spot.  They were then delivered to the recruiters, quickly signed up, got their second $25, and the rest of the bounty stolen by the scammers with the new American on his way to the front.
The scale of the immigrants being shanghied for bounties was so large during the last year of the war that these ‘inductees’ were literally treated as prisoners. They were constantly under guard while being transferred to the front as replacement cannon fodder for the continuing mass assualts against Confederate fortifications.

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