Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Mandate Amendment To The Constitution

Pass the Mandate Amendment

What is the Mandate Amendment? 

Presently, the mandate amendment is in the  planning stages, but it is intended to be an amendment to the United States Constitution making it illegal for Congress to mandate citizens purchase anything from a private company. It presently reads:

Congress shall make no law mandating the purchase of a product or services from a private company. 

More @ TMA


  1. Dream on . A good idea , but at this stage of the game do you really think " They " would pass a law that would restrict their own power?. Not likely seeing as how the benevolent Furher has just executive ordered them all a raise in return for services rendered.

    1. Should be a MAD Magazine article.:)

    2. The proposed amendment only needs 51% support. If Prohibition can pass, this amendment can be passed. Unless you truly believe this country is lost and "they" own all the power and not the people, in other words you have **given up** - this amendment is common sense and deserves your time, attention, and respect.

      We must support this, it is our last hope.

  2. Consider what is NOT said in this proposed amendment.

    There is no prohibition against a mandate to purchase goods or services from a "public company" such as a GSE (Government Sponsored Enterprise).

    The phrasing in the language on the TMA site sounds very much like the 'big tent' rhetoric of OWS and other progressive groups.

    Might just be the current levels of my bullshit detector, but at first read I consider the proposed amendment deceptive and dangerous.


    1. at first read I consider the proposed amendment deceptive and dangerous.

      Kinda' like a Constitutional Convention.......?

    2. Why is this dangerous? Simply because it does not outlaw such things as Social Security it is somehow dangerous? It is in fact the necessary next step to stop this awful momentum towards corporatism we are seeing today.

      We recognize this amendment does not solve the problem completely. Government could nationalize health care, or any product or service in order to bypass the roadblock which this Amendment serves to erect.

      *** Yet goals must be achievable. *** Over the past decade we have learned any initiative which could be construed by some as a threat to Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security is easily demonized by the Left and in turn defeated; regardless of its logic and benefit to our society. So if were to include government programs we believe we would fail. This is an unfortunate realty we must face.

      The goal of the Mandate Amendment, although admittedly difficult, is attainable and worth the effort. It will unarguably gut the most egregious parts of the Roberts’ decision on Obamacare and will, more importantly, be nearly impossible to oppose by either side of the political spectrum as each side claims to abhor excessive corporate power. If this is the case, support for this Amendment is self evident.

      The most important part of passing the Mandate Amendment is it re-frames the discussion from some supposed cost savings (which we know will never occur) to the reality of what is happening – the fusion of government and corporate power. When we change this perspective by passing this Amendment, we or future generations can take the next steps to further move us back to our founding principles of liberty and equality under the law.

      Yet if we do not make this difficult but important step now, we believe our children and grandchildren will be so far from the goal they will never be able to get back.

    3. Thank you very much! Please consider helping or at least signing up for our newsletter to follow our progress. We need to establish coalitions in every state.

      We will NEVER share your email address with anyone and send out communications only about once a month with information relevant to this effort and nothing else.
