Saturday, December 15, 2012

All Teachers Should Be Allowed to Carry Guns


My heart is sick. I feel so sorry for the children that were murdered, as well as the parents and loved ones of the slain kids and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown. Connecticut—and all of us here in the U.S., who still have a soul, pray for those whose lives were just senselessly shattered.

But imagine if at least one teacher (with a concealed weapons permit) had their .40 caliber Glock with them, locked and loaded, when this weed Adam Lanza began his murderous mayhem today on the Sandy Hook Elementary School campus? What would have happened differently?

Would idiot boy have been able to slay 20 children and 6 teachers? I doubt it. But then again . . . who knows?

However, I’m guessing that this terminal turd might not have dealt out as much death (if any) if the good guy with the gun drew down on him and doubled tapped the center mass of this jackass with a couple of jacketed hollow points.

Unfortunately, there was no concealed weapon in the possession of a teacher to stop this satanic weed from taking root because guns are disallowed on campus. Correct me if I’m wrong, but haven’t the majority of the mass murders within the US in the last 20-30 years been in the Gun Free Zones?

Gun Free Zones turn the people who inhabit such places into sitting ducks for insane whack jobs with death wishes. I know, some schools have campus cops and security systems however, that line of defense brings zero comfort to most parents if serious bullet flying $#*& starts hitting the fan in one of their kid’s classes.

Look, even the best Rambo like police force equipped to the teeth, driving Vipers and descending en masse on a school in Black Hawk helicopters could not have responded fast enough to kill this Lanza piece of crap. But a fast thinking, well-trained teacher could have.

I hate to seem pessimistic, but given this current “poor me” entitlement culture, I don’t see an atmospheric break in this violent weather pattern. I guarantee that even as I type and our nation weeps, there is, somewhere in the United States of Political Correctness, some disenfranchised dipstick making plans on how he can trump Adam Lanza’s latest slaughter. Chilling.

Call me simple. Call me a redneck. Call me whatever the hell you wanna call me—but until we allow credible and licensed, proven and protective teachers to carry a weapon on campus, we will see this murderous madness occur again and again and again.

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