Saturday, November 3, 2012


Well, we have come finally to the end of the recent political cycle of former elected UDC leaders from 2010-2012 terms.

On November 4th 2012 a new Monument will be unveiled to the great leadership of current UDC President General Martha Van Schaick on the grounds of the UDC HQ in Richmond. What have been the major accomplishments of her outgoing regime? Let's have a brief review, shall we?

2011 - Virginia UDC refuses any participation in the Virginia State Flag's 150th Anniversary. This is especially confusing seeing how Virginia UDC member Cassie Gravely wrote the Virginia State Flag Salute.

May 2011 - The Reidsville NC Confederate Monument was hit and only the statue only damaged. The local UDC and SCV and majority of the townsfolk demanded it be restored. A few black agitators demanded it be removed. NC UDC Div President Aileen Ezell agreed with the agitators and had the city of Reidsville remove the remaining undamaged memorial so a new marker could be placed in the cemetery so as "not to offend them" She later lied in the NC UDC newsletter claiming the NC SCV was trying to take control of all NC UDC Memorials.

Sept 2011 - Virginia UDC refused to assist in the fight against the Lexington Flag Ban ordinance.

Nov 2011 - Lynda Gramling of the Shreveport La UDC removed the 3rd National Flag from its 50 year home and replaced it with a US Flag rather than fight to keep it flying so as to appease our enemies. She also refused to allow it to fly at a local cemetery of Confederate dead , preferring to hide it inside the UDC building.

Dec 2011 - The UDC HQ was asked to help to restore the Battleflags to the Chapel, and they refused Here is the first communication, requesting Battle Flags to be raised in support of the Confederate War Memorial and the Va Flaggers:
This is the response received:

April 2012 - Georgia UDC denies awards to 2 men who successfully fought a mega corporation to save a cemetery with 8 Confederate Veterans and to restore the Confederate flags to each 8 Confederate graves, because "they used the Confederate Battle flag"

April 2012 - For the Battle of Williamsburg 150th, a gathering took place at the Ft Magruder Redoubt. After refusing to fly ANY Confederate Flag at the Museum of the Confederacy at Appomattox, and having been exposed as a blatant liar, Museum President and CEO Waite Rawls is welcomed by the local UDC as the keynote speaker.

March - May 2012 - A Va UDC HQ member calls the Richmond Police on the Virginia Flaggers, using lies to get them to respond by claiming old men were climbing on the artillery pieces out front. UDC President General Martha Van Schaick signs a Trespassing Enforcement Authorization Letter so that any persons who are carrying any Confederate Flag on the United Daughters of the Confederacy property get arrested. The National UDC joins with the Va Museum of Fine Arts to oppose the restoration of the Confederate flags on the Confederate War Memorial Chapel.
Here is the initial report from the March 10 incident:
The statement issued by the President General, UDC:
...and the Va Flagger response:

June 2012 - The UDC under President General Martha Van Schaick orders security guards to stop Sons of Confederate Veterans Commander in Chief from entering the property during the UDC Massing of the Flags following the Jefferson Davis Memorial event

Aug 2012 - Florida Div UDC President Gail Crosby, skeered of the Confederate Battle flag and a worshipper of the Holy Sacred IRS 501c3 rule, issues the following statement: "This is just a reminder that "Flagging" is political and goes against UDC bylaws. We are a non-political, Patriotic society and conduct, such as "Flagging", gives us all a bad name. UDC should not be represented in such a fashion and our Florida members are asked not to participate as "Flaggers”.” Gail Crosby, President, Florida Division UDC

…and most recently, and perhaps a sad sign of things to come if big changes do not occur with the incoming leadership…

Oct 2012 Arizona Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy is disbanded; no longer a division. There are still four chapters active in Arizona. The first Chapter in Arizona was established in 1909 in Bisbee and the Division was organized in 1918. Ninety-four years of history …destroyed.

Quite a legacy, indeed. Certainly deserving of a granite marker, bearing her name, on UDC headquarters property and perhaps fittingly placed on the sacred ground...where the battle flag is banned by a police order signed by her hand.

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