Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Obama Is the Top National Security Threat to the United States


Bob Schieffer asked the candidates to name the top national security threat to the United States near the closing of the last presidential debate. The answer is obvious: Barack Hussein Obama.

1. General Motors bond holders had their private property stolen and “redistributed” to the United Auto Workers union. The basic tenets of our Republic are life, liberty and property. Once we lose the right to keep our property, we have become subservient to the whims of Socialist tyranny.

2. As part of an attack on the 2nd amendment, Fast & Furious was to become an excuse to infringe on our right (and duty) to keep and bear arms. The operation failed and over two hundred Mexican citizens were murdered in an attempt to overturn the Bill of Rights. Obama invoked executive privilege to excuse Eric Holder’s contempt charges:

At Holder’s request, the White House invoked executive privilege in June on the information that Rep. Issa’s committee subpoenaed seeking internal DOJ documents after drafting a Feb. 4, 2011, letter to Congress that contained inaccurate information about operations at the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms.

A republic that abandons the rule of law will fall.

3. The Department of Justice has followed a two tiered justice system based on race. All men are no longer created equal as outlined in the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal

During Congressional testimony, Eric Holder referred to the New Black Panthers’ intimidation of voters in Philadelphia as

” I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people”

Mr. Holder refused to charge the individuals involved in a clear case of voter intimidation because of their “race”.

4. President Obama has increased our national debt to $16.19 trillion in less than four years. A 60% increase in our debt has put our national security in jeopardy.

DETROIT, Aug. 27, 2010 – The single biggest threat to national security is the national debt, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff [Navy Adm. Mike Mullen] said yesterday, underscoring the importance of good fiscal stewardship and a need to stimulate economic growth.Once we outsourced our debt to foreign nations, we gave up our security and sovereignty.

5. The president has been committed to transferring dependence of the American people to the government. The best example is food stamps:

since December 2007, or the start of the Great Depression ver 2.0, the number of jobs lost is 4.5 million, while those added to foodstamps and disability rolls, has increased by a unprecedented 21 million

5 more @ NC Renegade

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