Friday, September 7, 2012

If Obama Don't Win: it's back to Africa for ALL of us. Or slavery. The choice is yours.

Via Matthew

They'll have such a lovely time.

The Marikana mine workers massacre – a massive escalation in the war on the poor


  1. Yeah, I bet they would be wishing they were back in the US of A very soon if that were to actually happen....they would get to find out what a third world country is really all about.

    Miss Violet

    1. I would love for a group to go and see the documentary. Man that would be priceless.

  2. The irrational thinking of the "FSA" never ceases to amaze me!
    (FSA = free s*it army)

  3. I cannot lay claim to "FSA"....
    Andrew Wilkow on satellite radio (Patriot channel) uses it often. It's perfect!

  4. Roswell is right. I am not certain where it originated but I have been using it in my postings to my mail group for at least a year now.


  5. Ha !, one of my customer,s down in Louisiana was telling me about a local black church that had made a major project out of raising money for a trip to the motherland. All participant's looking forward to seeing Africa. Upon their return , when asked " how was your trip ? " Dead silence.
