Monday, August 13, 2012

My better half on left 20 years ago:)


  1. She look`s like a happy and contented person. That`s good . To this day whenever I think about Nam I can feel my blood pressure rising. 58`000 some American`s killed ( that they will admit to ). Million`s of Vietnamese, Laotian`s , Cambodian`s, it is impossible to ever know the real count. I will go to my grave believing that Kissinger and Nixon knowingly abandoned U.S. servicemen in S.E. Asia, in order to quickly end the war.

  2. I will go to my grave believing that Kissinger and Nixon knowingly abandoned U.S. servicemen in S.E. Asia, in order to quickly end the war.

    Absolutely. Decent Interval by Frank Snepp, the CIA analyst is a good one. 1982, I believe.
