Thursday, July 19, 2012

An Asian Student, Legally Resident, WritesTo Pat Buchanan

Via Carl note: This letter is a shortened version of one that was sent to us by a mutual friend, who says that Pat Buchanan replied graciously. The writer was willing to let his name be used, but we declined. We thought he was revealing a touching, but in this case inappropriate, faith in America. The U.S. education and immigration bureaucracies are in the hands of people with their own ideas of what America should be. They might well decide that anyone who agrees with Pat Buchanan about immigration issues should be asked to leave the country—for being un-American.

Dear Mr. Buchanan,

My name is ——. I am from [Asian country] and have been legally in the United States for almost six years on a student visa. I currently work as a nurse at — Hospital in —, [State], with a legal work permit or OPT card that will be good for one year under my student visa.

A friend told me about your book Suicide of a Superpower, where you talk about illegal immigration.

I completely agree with you. Since I have suffered the inconsistencies of the official immigration system in the USA, I decided to write you this letter.

I have a Bachelor's degree in Biology from — University and a Master's degree in Anatomy from —University, [Asian country]. I taught Anatomy at —University medical school in [Asian country] for two years before coming to the USA to continue my education. I planned to go to the nursing school at the University of [Southern State], but I did not have enough money. I entered the nursing program at — Community College instead.

When I was in an English class at — Community College, we discussed the idea of allowing illegal aliens to go to school. Nobody in the class supported it, but I actually agreed at that time that illegal aliens be given some education, so they could be productive, instead of living a life of crime.

But as time passed by, I have experienced things that completely changed my mind. Most significantly, I saw the disparity between how I was treated as a legal student, and how others who are illegal are treated.

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