Thursday, June 21, 2012

Leading Global Warming Advocate Recants! ... 'Models Fail Dramatically ...'

Globalists Switching Gears: Royal Society Lecturer Says CO2 Not Affecting Earth's Temperature ... Fritz Vahrenholt, a German green energy investor, says he has reassessed his position on man-made climate change. Vahrenholt has been a professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Hamburg since 2009. He served as a senator for the environment in Hamburg, Germany between 1991 and 1997, and was a member of the "sustainability advisory board" to chancellor Schr̦der and Merkel in 2001 to 2007. Speaking at the 3rd Global Warming Policy Foundation Annual Lecture at the Royal Society in London, Vahrenholt was representing RWE Innogy, one of Europe's largest renewable energy corporations. The IPCC's current climate models cannot explain the climate history of the past 10,000 years. But if these models fail so dramatically in the past, how can they help to predict the future? ... Perhaps Vahrenholt's appearance at the globalist think-tank, the Royal Society, is some proof that they are beginning to alter their tactics. If fear fearmongering the public by decrying global catastrophes due to man-made global warming is no longer effective, then it might be that the global Elites are shifting their public agenda, inventing more subversive propaganda that appears to support renewable energy. РActivist Post

Dominant Social Theme: Global warming is real. Get used to it.

Free-Market Analysis: This is a great article that Susanne Posel has written over at the Activist Post website. It's really an analysis of the potential failure of one of the power elite's main dominant social theme, global warming.

As you can see from the excerpt above, a noted Green theorist Fritz Vahrenholt has recanted regarding global warming. As Vahrenholt is intimately connected with many others in the movement, this is notable occurrence.

More @ The Daily Bell

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