Thursday, April 12, 2012

Who is ‘White’ in Touré’s race war?

Southern Nationalist Network

Are both of these men (one of whom is a Cherokee Indian) 'White'? Black nationalist writer Touré thinks so.

MSNBC commentator and Black nationalist writer Touré has a article out for Time called ‘The Racial Cold War is Heating Up.’ Many things could be written about the apparently paranoid state of Mr Touré’s thinking and his penchant for finding White ‘racist’ plots against Black people any and everywhere. Indeed, Mr Touré seems to focus on little else other than race. Like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, he is a professional at this game. One interesting thing about this particular article though is that it could be seen as part of a broader trend in the anti-White media. When the Hispanic man George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin in Florida it was widely reported that a Black ‘youth’ had been killed by a White man. Al Sharpton and other ‘civil rights’ leaders have also promoted the idea the Zimmerman was White. Even mainstream media sources have noticed this and are asking why Zimmerman, who is clearly of mestizo ancestry, was portrayed in the media as a White man. The answer to this question, of course, is because it fit the narrative and played into the biases of reporters, writers, editors and publishers. Returning to Mr Touré’s article, we find the writer doing exactly the same thing about a completely different interracial killing. Recently in Tulsa, Oklahoma two men went on a shooting spree and killed three Black people. Mr Touré describes the event as follows:

A pair of white men, one of them angry about the murder of his father by a black man two years ago, drove through the Tulsa night early on Friday, shooting blacks at random. Two were injured, three are dead. This is hate crime serial killing.

Notice that the killers are described as ‘a pair of white men.’ However, one of the suspected killers, as can be seen from the picture below, is clearly not White. In fact, he is a Cherokee Indian. But in Mr Touré’s world apparently anyone who is not Black is ‘White.’ Given the militant rhetoric from the Black Panthers and now Mr Touré as well about a coming race war, this sort of intentional mis-characterisation of people’s race could have important and potentially even life-and-death consequences for many non-Whites who are also non-Blacks. Beyond such concerns, what exactly does this classification of mestizo Hispanics and American Indians as ‘White’ say about the mentality of folks like Sharpton and Touré?



  1. These folks are brilliant! Blacks are about 12% of the population yet the black extremists intend to place hispanics and now American indians in their enemies column. I wonder how la raza (who are big here in Georgia or at least north of Atlanta)feel about being white.

  2. place hispanics and now American indians in their enemies column.

    Excellent point. Cut off your nose to spite your face, methinks.

  3. Picking sides for whats coming....

    Not too smart, eh?

  4. The reason they are willing to add to their enemies list is simple: Blacks know that the Imperial Federal Gubmint is solidly on their side.

    As for a race war: Well FUCKING BRING IT is all I can say.

  5. They don't care. All they want to do is inflame against whitey.

    They know that the mixicans hate us to.

    So they keep fanning the flames to get the fire good & hot.

    Real soon we will have everyone trying to kill us.

    Oh wait...we already do.

  6. I agree with GunRights. They should stop flapping their jaws and do it. Instead of all the threats about what they are going to do to whitey and his babies, they should just strap on a set of balls and do it. Hell I welcome it, we'll finish this shit once and for all.

  7. we'll finish this shit once and for all.

    Bound to happen anyway.
