Wednesday, April 4, 2012

We are willing to lay down our lives for the cause of liberty

FULL TEXT of post, written by Brittany Hemsath:

We are not afraid to lose if losing means our integrity and principles remain with us. Our numbers have tripled this election... we have already won. We have spread the message of individual liberty far and wide. Ron Paul has inspired liberty movements in Africa, Europe, and even Korea. Only a third of American colonists believed that the American Revolution was necessary, and they changed the course of history forever. It is our turn now to do the same. An election outcome will not change that. We would lay down our lives for the cause of liberty if it were required of us, and it may be. I welcome losing if the winning team is not supporting the principles that this country was founded on. But, I will not go as a lamb to the slaughter and vote for someone who my heart, my gut, and reason tells me is wrong for this country. Like Patrick Henry said, "I know not what course others will take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."


  1. Woo hoo! If more young people feel like these girls,then we got it whipped!


  2. Absolutely. She was passionate and beautiful.

  3. Look, I'm not for Romney either. I don't particularly care for Ron Paul's views on a couple fronts. That being said, I'd vote for a one legged, mute, deaf crack ho with turrets syndrome before I vote for Obama.... The fact is WE RISK Generations of far left ideological rule if Obama is re-elected. Look at the ages on the SCOTUS. That should give you shudders. We can ASSUME that Romney would appoint less than conservative judges but we don't know. We DO KNOW who Obama will appoint. The choice is ours in 2012. And if Romney wins the nod, I gotta vote for him. IF Paul is the one... then I would vote for him too.

    Problem is this. MOST folks understand where we are and where we are going. The one thing that pisses people off is that Ron Paul fans say they WON'T vote for anyone but their guy. That's a selfish attitude that is UNHELPFUL. Our 2nd amendment rights are about to be in play in a very big way. The SCOTUS is but one vote away from enacting the same ridiculous laws that are in NY and CA. Please for the love of our nation unite behind the last man standing for the election and then FIGHT to remove his ass if he RINO's or GWB's or Obama's his way around the job.

  4. There was one good article that suggested for Ron Paul to support Romney, then Romney needed to agree to pick Rand for VP and Ron for Secretary of the Treasurer.

  5. Bushwack: I've got to disagree.

    We'd be better off with a second Obama term than with Mitt-for-brains Romneycare.


    Simple. A Retardlican win - even for a Demmunist like Romneycare who EPITOMIZES the term "RINO" - will lull the sheeple back to sleep, and he'll govern left of Dubya.

    Put another way, Mitt-for-brains will mark a return to the "boiling frog" scenario.

    A second O'Dumbo term OTOH will galvanize people like nothing else ever could. Yeah - he'll make a mess, but he'll PROBABLY also kick off a revolution, which is the BEST thing that could happen to us!

    10 years out, we'll be better off with Obama than we would be with Romney!

    Personally, the way I see things going, it's going to end up being a "brokered convention." Hopefully the Retardlican PTB will see the writing on the wall, and come up with a REAL conservative instead of Mitt-for-brains RomneyCare!

    Otherwise, hope you've kept your powder dry...


    PS: Holy CRAP that's a WOMAN! I wonder if we could run **HER** for POTUS??!!

  6. Seriously? How long do you think Keagan and Sotomayor stay on the SCOTUS? Picture 2 maybe 3 more just like them.. Then watch the flood of litigation over gun control swarm the courts when the swing vote is now an Obama appointee.

    You also mention "lulled to sleep" and I agree with that. HOWEVER; only if we do as well. IF we don't allow the slumber then we at the very least stop the train from the edge. In 2016 we can mount a challenge to a sitting POTUS and it can be effective.

    I submit what we ASSUME about Romney is far better than what we KNOW about Obama.

    I don't like the choice either but I'll stand with Romney should I have to. But I will not allow him to do as GWB did without similar outrage as is seen with Obama. And I will push to have him removed in 2016. I'm willing to give the R another chance if it fails so be it. At the very least we will still have our arms if needed. 4 more years of Obama and it's a toss up.

  7. I actually WISH they'd go after our guns.

    It would be the best thing to happen to us since 1865.

    Think we've been buying all that ammo for plinking?


  8. I actually WISH they'd go after our guns.

    It would be the best thing to happen to us since 1865.

    Think we've been buying all that ammo for plinking?


