Thursday, April 19, 2012

Racist or Factist?

I'm not familiar with the show as I watch little TV, but liked the post.

American Mercenary

In the first season of "Breakout Kings" one of the lines that is repeated is "I can't work with this racist" and the reply "I'm not a racist, I'm a factist."

It seems that anyone who notes any sort of difference between races will be accused of racism, unless you happen to be a minority. Minorities can't be racist, or if they are it is only because "whitey made me do it." Of course I don't see how setting a white kid on fire while screaming "you deserve this whitey" isn't anything but a racist hate crime.

That being said, what follows is something that I have been pondering for a bit, and there really is no way to sugarcoat it and make it politically correct. Does that make me racist or a factist? I thank God that I blog anonymously because as any Soldier knows, this sort of frank discussion is not approved by the Equal Opportunity program. What follows would be called a "hostile work environment" or "discrimination" should I bring it up where someone who is offended could here. So knowing that my career could be on the line if someone finds what follows offensive, here goes.

The IQ spread of various "races" is an easily quantifiable data sheet. I say it is easily quantifiable because others have done it. Repeatedly. Peer reviewed studies and everything. Decades of data.

Leftists attack this disparity between "races" at every chance, pointing out that IQ tests written by Europeans automatically disadvantage Africans. Unfortunately this discounts that Asians score better than white Europeans. Remember my previous post about "if the data shows the theory is wrong people who can't discern truth from falsehood cling to their theory?" Well here is one that is guaranteed to piss off both the left and the right.

If we accept that the data is scientifically significant then the idea that "race is a social construct" is false. Even though all humans can interbreed with each other the data shows that on average blacks aren't as smart as hispanics who aren't as smart as whites who aren't as smart as asians.

Secondly, since the data suggests that there are differences in "race" then the idea of "equality" is absurd. There are the Larry Birds in the NBA, and there are Black chess masters. But the bulk of the NBA is black, and the bulk of serious chess players are not black. An unequal racial distribution among different activities is to be expected if there are differences in heritable attributes amongst the races.

But why do I insist that "racial equality" will never be achieved? Because of the math. If we had an equal population of blacks, hispanics, whites, and asians and distributed the intelligence of each group along known curves, then on average the smartest people in the room will be white and asian. On the flip side the "dumbest" people in the room would be black and hispanic. Since most occupations or careers require intelligence as a large portion of the mix that determines success in monetary terms, we would then see an unequal distribution of earned income along racial lines.

Now a Leftists would want you to believe that the unequal distribution of income along racial lines is due solely to "racism" or "injustice" and anything but actual, measurable differences in racial attributes. A racist would say that all blacks are subhuman and "white power" or some other equally offensive nonsense.

The truth is that both "genetic race" and "cultural race" play a part here. High intelligence black parents with a good work ethic pass those genetic and cultural traits on to their children who grow up to be successful. Low intelligence white trash who cook meth pass criminal skills on to their children who grow up to be unsuccessful members of society. The difference is that in "white culture" criminal activity is seen as disgraceful and in "black culture" the "thug life" is seen as sexy and even laudable.

If we accept that Darwinian concepts such as "fitness" and "hybrid vigor" then we see speculate that Culture creates the environment where stupid people in the black community pass on genes for physical strength and aggressiveness instead of intelligence because those traits are more successful in that culture. Somehow the successful black family in "The Cosby Show" has been replaced by "Snoop Dog" in the audience that needs it the most, inner city blacks. That isn't to say that "white culture" doesn't have "Eminem", only that white America never really left "The Brady Bunch" (or "Dawson's Creek" for the younger crowd). The ideas of what constitutes success in each culture is "getting paid" so to speak, but often from very different sources.

However none of this data disproves the existence or non-existence of widespread racism (which is the beauty of calling someone racist, it is like asking "have you stopped beating your wife?"). Blacks are still more likely than whites to be successfully prosecuted on a drug charge (although it could be that there are more stupid blacks getting caught with drugs than stupid whites getting caught with drugs if you argue it from an intelligence perspective). But it could also explain why there is such a disproportionate percentage of blacks in prison verses asians. However, cultural difference also explain the data.

At the end of the day, or at the end of the blog post, you have multiple data sets that say there are measurable differences in intelligence between races that can explain everything from income distribution to incarceration rates or you have the alternative that those differences are the result of artificial constraints placed on minorities (except for those statistically pesky asians) is a result of racism. I can't disprove racism (you can't prove a negative, it is impossible) but I can show that there are very valid explanations for why things are the way they are.

What minorities need is a culture that embraces the traits that allow them to compete with other races on more equal footing. If black women refused to sleep with black men who had an IQ less than 105 within three generations the IQ gap would be statistically insignificant. Unfortunately while "Urkel" may be the answer to black underachievement, "Urkel" isn't likely to get much play from the ladies. I would say that white culture could do the same thing, but who isn't rooting for Leanord to get back with Penny on "The Big Bang Theory"?


  1. Minorities can't be racist

    Since the white male is a minority now. HAHA they can kiss my ass.

  2. You're not pronouncing it correctly, it should be wacist.:)
