Wednesday, February 8, 2012

30,000 predator drones over u.s. airspace? ... boast, bombast or ........

........pure unadulterated bullshit?

Excellent analysis.

well, it sounds ominous indeed, does it not?

the prospect of 30,000 drones flying over and through the skies of the united states, keeping track of all of us and what we do. and, perhaps some if not all of them very similar to the predator drones that fly in afghanistan and elsewhere, the kind capable of putting a hellfire missile up your exhaust pipe, when you'd least expect it. from the "drudge report," . and, this report from the washington times by shaun waterman, (from which the drudge report is drawn, quoting the opening lines from the times) "drones over u.s. get o.k. get o.k. by congress" which article uses the figure of 30,000 drones in u.s. skies by the year 2020, .

well, just how does this all work out? does it work out at all?

or, is this headline simply amount to boast, bombast, and in the final analysis pure unadulterated bullshit?

well, the facts, just the facts suggest that this simply isn't going to happen on the scale suggested or worried about by matt drudge and the washington times.

while i for one don't relish the prospect of dueling with a predator drone, armed or unarmed, i don't think that it is quite the time to get all our collective shorts in a knot over the prospect of this occurring. why do i say this? well, the facts, just the facts suggest that this simply isn't going to happen on the scale suggested or worried about by matt drudge and the washington times.

for one,

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