Monday, January 30, 2012

Ohio GOP Wants to Shut Out TEA Party

Ohio Republicans are rewriting the rules in an attempt to exclude TEA Party members from being members of the State Central Committee. As I’ve written a number of times, Establishment Republicans want Democrats out of office so they can spend our confiscated tax dollars their way.

Republicans haven’t been that concerned about spending limits, deficits, and long-term liabilities. In fact, they have used the looseness of the rules to pay their political benefactors with payouts to keep them in power. The Democrats are honest about their payouts; Republicans have learned to lie well.

We’re seeing how the RINOs want to take their Party back. Romney operatives, with the help of McCain and Dole, are trying to redistrict Allen West out of his seat.

[U]nder a redistricting plan put forth by the GOP-controlled Florida legislature, West could have a hard time winning a second term — a situation that has some conservatives suggesting a conspiracy by establishment Republicans, including GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney. . . . Some are pointing out that House Redistricting Chairman Will Weatherford has been a Romney surrogate and suggesting the former Massachusetts governor wants to be rid of West — and, by extension, the Tea Party. (source)

Romney knows that if he’s elected, West will be a thorn in his side. Better a Democrat than a Republican who speaks his mind.

A similar thing is taking place in Ohio.


  1. Like Soros said, not much difference between them.

  2. This is happening all over the country. We went up against the establishment GOP here in Kentucky in 2008. We were playing in their sandbox and we didn't know any of the rules. We're fast learners. We're back in 2012 and we're bringing a TEA Party tidal wave with us. The Republican Party of Kentucky is trying once again to lie, cheat and steal to keep control of their party (the Mitch McConnell party), but they are on the wrong side of the numbers game this year.

    We rejected Mitch's hand picked Dem-turned-RINO in our 2010 US Senate race and elected Rand Paul instead. If we still have a country in 2014, we'll primary our other US Senator, Senate Minority Leader Mitch "Bankster Bailout" McConnell, and we'll vote him out of office.

    Someone in Arizona needs to vote out McCain. Actually, after his role in the blatantly anti-constitutional (way beyond unconstitutional) 2012 NDAA, McCain should be tired for treason.
