Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bill Kristol Wants Ron Paul To Leave The GOP

The Battle of Atlanta

Verbatim Post

Bill Kristol:

“A lot of people when they criticize Ron Paul have to preface their criticism by saying, ‘you know, he’s good guy, he brings a lot to the debate,’” Bill Kristol said on C-SPAN. “I actually don’t buy that. I do not think he’s a particular good guy . . . I think it would be better for the Republican party, if he left the Republican party.”
You know what Mr. Kristol,they are a lot of us out here who wish Ron Paul would leave the GOP,and we would follow him right out the door too.It is clear,that if you believe in constitutional government,individual liberty,with a committment to smaller,less intrusive government,their is no longer a place set for you at the Republican party's table.The only time the GOP wants to hear from any of us,is just for us to open our wallets to fill their coffers and vote for the RINO of the month.Any other time we are to sit down and shut up and be thankful that they,the elites,let us stay in such a Grand Old Party.Maybe it is time to go!


  1. Please leave Dr. Paul, but understand that the criticism will not stop there for it will follow you. It will follow you with the great number of people who leave and follow you. As I have said before my mother a life long democrat until 2008 voted for you. Myself a lifelong (used to be) Republican will vote for you. There will be democrats, independents and true small "r" republicans that follow you.

  2. Yes, Sir, there is a chance. I read today that 50% of Republicans are now for non-intervention. Now, that's an eye opener.

  3. Last election my real problem with Ron Paul was his foreign policy. I guess as Mike Church says I just refused the Founder's red pill and bought into the neocon/decepatcon blue pill need to expand the American Empire, police the world and expand Liberty to the ignorant masses who would learn to love us if only we bombed them into submission. I can tell you that today I am willing to admit that there is now ay we can change the tribal nature of much of the world. What we saw in Bosnia and that region after the Soviet's heavy hand was removed was a return to tribalism. What we see in much of the rest of the world is the same. We can never change it unless we are willing to commit thousands of troops world wide and even then we will change it but possibly control it until we leave if we ever do. See what is happening in Iraq as we pulled out.

    There is a difference as Dr. Paul said between military spending and defense spending. We can bring most of our troops home, cut foreign spending, take care of our people in a constitutional manner and still have a strong defense. Ron Paul might not be my ideal choice but he is the right choice in my opinion...

  4. I've come a long way and support him 100% these days.
