Sunday, December 25, 2011

Obama Loses the Election


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yep...Weeping & gnashing of teeth.

  3. I'm afraid riots and looting will replace the fake grief.:)

  4. I agree with ya there Brock,But the herd needs culled one way or the other,or this insanity will never end....


  5. or this insanity will never end....

    Yes, only get worst.

  6. If it's just riots and looting we'll have gotten off easy.

    A relative who's decided she'd rather be black just pronounced me "a disgusting racist" for suggesting she might not be safe (in her 99.999% black neighborhood) if Obama loses or riots start for other reasons.

    I showed -- actually TRIED to show -- her vids like Reginald Denney being pulled from his truck and nearly beaten to death for being the wrong color in the wrong place at the wrong time... She didn't want to hear it.

    I've done what I could do, whatever happens now is not my problem...

  7. I've done what I could do, whatever happens now is not my problem...

    So, she's decided to live there though she could elsewhere, I assume. She shouldn't even be living in a city if she has the choice, regardless of the racial makeup.
