Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hoover Was a Homo

The title of this piece is both offensive and untrue, which has not dissuaded Hollywood from making a feature film based on this very premise.

In the almost forty years since his passing, the antisocial, anti-American, and anti-Western forces which seek to undermine civilization have never quite forgotten about the FBI director. Any time his name is mentioned it must always be accompanied by claims he was a homosexual, accusations that he persecuted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and allegations of paranoia over subversives.

Now comes Hollywood’s attempt to ingrain in the media generation its mendacious image of the man. Because many actually believe that what they view on the silver screen is the authentic granite of history, it is time to set the record straight. What better way than by running down the crime blotter of charges?

Allegation #1 – Misdemeanor – Suspect was fanatical anti-subversive.


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