Monday, October 10, 2011

Wall Street Flea Party: Refulgence of Infantility

It is abundantly clear. The “Occupy Wall Street” movement is a socio-psychological regression. It is socio-pathological. It is clarion infantile behavior.

It is often the case that aberrant, pathological behavior–when manifested through a social group or a wide-spread social setting–seems acceptable or functional. Abnormal behavior, committed groups, seems to be established as integral, fundamental, or normal.

The media, such as has evolved since 1960, has certainly had the power to sanction the unseemly. News media validates the most hideous deviance of behavior. It exaggerates, distorts, and perverts, simply by call attention to the behavior, as if it is worthy of attention.

Add to this the political process, and downright self-destruction and even murderous intent are given an important social function. In a society where everyone can vote, the lower elements always ascend. Without discretion, “equality” becomes the destruction of productivity. To idolize egalitarianism is to distort reality. Political idolators thus contribute to public misapprehension and ubiquitous frustration. Reality is a messy mix, and cannot be mended. But, in our tyranny-tending society, freedom is falsely associated with equality–and a mean materialistic equality.

If the stench of the Flea Party camped in Zuccotti Park weren’t enough to demonstrate the purely infantile behavior of these social degenerates (or, better, socio-psychologically retarded people who have never matured), then the strange and benumbing mantra-styled public discourses they have practiced should be convincing. There is something über-weird and darkly cultic about this. Have a listen to an incident at the Atlanta Flea party:


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