Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Left Wing Circular Firing Squad

Via Conservative Heritage Times
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Liberals have set themselves up for failure primarily because, as the rest of us all know, liberalism does not work. The fact that liberalism does not work stuns liberals. They disbelieve this fact because they so religiously believe in liberalism. And as liberalism fails, every piece of it falls like dominoes because liberals always align themselves into a circular firing squad.

When “moderates”, i.e. liberals who do not want to be associated with the toxic ideals of liberalism, get into the circle and start shooting things go downhill even faster. This is simply unavoidable.

For the uninitiated, a circular firing squad is an analogy for a bunch of people who have the same goal. Perhaps it is a common enemy. But in pursuit of that goal everyone is required to harm those that have the same goal as they do. Thus the hilarious concept of a bunch of people standing around in a circle, each with a gun pointed at the back of the head of the person in front of them. When the triggers are pulled everyone in the circle drops dead.

Do not believe me that liberalism is like this? Oh, then you do need to pay better attention to what is going on in the world. All liberals have a common enemy. That enemy is limited government, liberty and the United States of America as it was founded to be.


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