Saturday, July 16, 2011

I'm sick and damn tired of welfare cheats.

Via The Feral Irishman

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I'm so mad right now that it wouldn't surprise me if my blood pressure is nearing stroke level. The irony of that would be that if I DID have a stroke and got rushed to the emergency room, I'd have to wait behind a bunch of goddamn illegals, medicaid parasites and other welfare cheats who were in for such life-threatening maladies like a sore throat or a sprained ankle.

Think I'm kidding? Head down to your nearest large city indigent care emergency room. Check out the human debris that litters the waiting area. Check out the trash and general mess they leave behind--which we pay for, all on our nickel.

Meanwhile, working citizens with insurance that we paid for out of our own pockets via our JOBS wait in line, unless perhaps you begin barfing or projectile bleeding all over some El Salvadorean immigrant in for a toothache, and thus inconvenience him or his perpetually pregnant girlfriend.

So, I'm drinking some blood pressure medication as I type this, also known as Coors Light, so as not to risk a trip to the local medical zoo. I keep several frosted mugs in the big freezer for just such emergencies.

But what got this rant really going was yet another experience at a pharmacy/drug-store this evening.

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