Thursday, June 16, 2011

NCFIRE Action Alert

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HB36 E-Verify Gutted by NC Senate Commerce Committee
The citizens have been duped

(If you want illegal immigration controlled in NC, this is your last chance to do it! You must contact them today, before they vote!!!)

The version of HB36 E-Verify, that was passed by the NC House and sent to the Senate, was NOT the one passed by the Senate. The House version, (ver 4), applied to ALL businesses in NC that had 25 or more employees.

Members of the Senate Commerce Committee, in overnight consultations with the NC Chamber of Commerce, stripped the provision that included ALL businesses in NC. The new version, (ver 6), applies ONLY to contractors and sub-contractors doing business with State Government that have 25 or more employees.

The new Senate version omits and exempts 90% - 95% of the businesses and people that HB36 was intended to apply to.

The bill was changed so drastically that it must now go back to the House for concurrence.

NCFIRE urges everyone contact all NC House members to demand they DO NOT CONCUR. Implore them to send HB36 to a committee and replace the language of HB36 ver. 4, to include ALL businesses in NC.

As always be respectful in your comments. (name calling and threats will get you nowhere, but, your future voting decisions will get their attention.)

NC House members:

James Johnson
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
NCFIRE Hotline: 1-888-885-0879
cell # 910-286-3022

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