Sunday, May 8, 2011

Syria - What's next? A DT Analysis:

Syria: how will this thing end? Can Assad crack down enough to suppress the revolution? Or will he go the way of the Dodo bird and bail to Paris to be with the rest of his (and Arafat's) family?

I'll tell you - he's staying. He's a crazy and ruthless dorkator who (it's rumored) has already waxed over 800 people, has arrested an entire city (all males over 15 years old), and rolled tanks through the streets. But Bashar learned from one of the best, Pappy Assad, who killed over 10,000 people in the 1980's, in order to suppress revolutionary stirrings.

It is the official opinion of this doubletapping blog, that Assad will be successful in squashing those poor blokes, he will secure his military from defection, and there will be no international community intervention save for a strongly worded retraction of a previously-sent Memorial Day picnic invitation. For God's sake, the US still has their new ambassador sitting in Damascus! C'mon!

So, what will the future be in Syria? Will anything change? Can Israel utilize this opportunity to increase her homeland security?

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