Thursday, May 26, 2011

Police Brutality - But The People Fought Back

Via The Elector Retards


  1. WOW.. There's a couple ways to see that. First the cops were night sticking the guy for no reason. OR The guy wouldn't stop resisting and let them cuff him so they were "Sticking" him to get compliance. Either way one thing I noticed right away is the cops left their buddy to get the crap kicked out of him. Not good if your a cop. If you're a cop hater it would be good to see I guess.

  2. I'd say excessive force was met with excessive force. Kinda sucks, doesn't it?
    One thing to remember...those fans were unarmed and attacked a crooked cop.
    The American People aren't so...shall we say...weapon challenged.

  3. The American People aren't so...shall we say...weapon challenged. '

  4. HA! They got what they deserved. fuck em

  5. One other thing to notice is the people out numbered the thugs in uniform.
    We also out number the thugs in uniform.
