Sunday, May 1, 2011

More Obama Birth Certificate Analysis

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In poker one never turns over all their cards until after their bet is called.smiley

For those of you who have sent me hate-mail and called me a racist (and other wonderful names), here's my response. Oh, and the problems with the birth certificate didn't end with apparent diddling in the graphic layers - there are also source document questions.

There's only one way we're going to get the truth - a forensic document examiner is going to have to go look at the certificate and authenticate it. The real one - not a printout.

But more to the point, can we please have a discussion about the actual issue?

That is, whether President Obama is a natural-born citizen?

See, he voted for the resolution stating that McCain is.

And what does it say?


  1. I'd like to see how many other birth certificates of the same time period filled in race as "African" rather than Negro or Black. In my experience this wasn't the norm. It smells to high hell.

  2. as "African" rather than Negro or Black

