Sunday, May 8, 2011

IRS: The Biggest Scam in History, by Sheriff Richard Mack

The County Sheriff: America’s Last Line of Defense

IRS-probably the three most frightening letters in the English language. This deep-seated fear and loathing serves a very specific purpose. It serves to keep the People of America in submission to an illusion, a lie.

The IRS has a horrible reputation and has earned every bit of it, has by their own admissions committed crimes against innocent Citizens, and continues today to be the “Gestapo” of America . They confiscate more homes, destroy more families, take more money, ruin more lives, and commit more crimes than all the street gangs combined. They are indeed vivid proof that the greatest threat we face, as a nation, is our own Federal “Government.” [The County Sheriff : America ’s Last Hope. Author Richard Mack].

Here it is in a nutshell. The IRS is a private, debt collection agency for the private banking system known as the Federal Reserve Bank. The IRS is not a government agency. I repeat, the IRS is not a government agency. Never has been, never will be.

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